Visual Impact Kettlebells - Home Workout Program


Now You Can Get the Lean Body You Have Always Desired... Without Avoiding Carbs or Starving Yourself to Death.

How to Lose Weight Feasting on Delicious Carbs.

We have been tricked...

...into believing that carbs are the reason so many people are struggling with excess body fat.

We are told to reduce carbs and increase fats if we want to lose weight.

Here's the irony:

Your body RARELY stores carbs as body fat to any significant degree.

Almost all of the fat you see on your body comes from the fats you eat.

Your body doesn't even change or convert the fat you eat before it gets stored as body fat.

Eat a lot of saturated fat?

Saturated fat is what will get stored on your body.

Use a bunch of vegetable oil?

Your body fat will contain that same type of fat.

For the most part...

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I started my fitness writing career right at the birth of the Paleo movement.

In 2007, there weren't many Paleo blogs.

By 2008, they were popping up like crazy.

I became friends with some of the very first Paleo bloggers.

I didn't fully adopt a Paleo approach but was definitely influenced by a lot of the stuff they taught.

Around 2010 some of these Paleo bloggers specialized and focused on the ketogenic diet.

Paleo got popular...

...but the keto diet became a huge movement.

It took about 5 years for the ketogenic diet to reach critical mass.

These past 2 years the keto approach has EXPLODED.

"Keto Diet" is now a household term.

The ketogenic diet is to the point where relatives who aren't even into fitness will ask you about it.

"Rusty, have you heard of the keto diet? Supposedly you can get lean eating bacon and butter. Also... Kelly Ripa says that rice is now bad for you."

If you are into fitness you know EXACTLY what I'm talking about.

You tell your relatives something about fitness...

Then a talk show host talks about the exact same thing 10 years later and all of a sudden it enters their reality.

Full Reviews:-

I've been so impressed with how easy and effective Mark's diet has worked... I felt COMPELLED to turn this into a full-blown online course.


Here are just a few highlights from the course:

  • Why the LOW fat dieting method of the 1980’s was ALMOST correct… but there was one flaw. If we would have fixed this flaw, it would have made it the main fat loss method we use today.
  • A lot of diets work well for fat loss, but CRUSH your metabolism in the process. Why a high carb low fat diet gets you lean while INCREASING your energy output.
  • The story about an MD who has helped hundreds of patients lose 100+ pounds while eating a diet of refined carbs and sugar (we still recommend whole foods, however).
  • Mark doesn’t even track protein and believes “PROTEIN guilt”is the #1 reason people have a tough time getting lean. The amount of protein it takes to maintain muscle while dropping body fat. Hint: it’s less than you think.
  • Examination of studies where people ate 5,000+ calorie days and 2,000+ calorie meals and STILL had a tough time getting the body to store carbs as fat.
  • Why the Western diet of eating around 35% calories as fat is a MAJOR contributor to obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. The 2 zones you will want to stay in to ensure a long and healthy life.
  • A doctor who SUCCESSFULLY treats diabetic patients with a specific high carb diet. After switching to this special diet, many of his patients no longer find the need for insulin or oral medication.
  • One potential PROBLEM with ketogenic diets is that beer or alcohol can pull you out of a ketogenic state. Why this diet is “BEER friendly” and works well even with moderate drinking.
  • How carbs ramp up calorie burn and energy expenditure, and why fats do NOT. A study comparing carbs vs fat when it comes to increasing the metabolism.

We realize that the low carb approach is wildly popular.

Low carb diets CAN work.


We are 100% convinced that our High Carb Fat Loss Blueprint will be a more effective approach for you.

In fact...

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