Discover the Secrets to Fixing Muscle Imbalances Without Ever Leaving the Comfort of Your Own Home!

“Who Else Wants to Help Their Clients Bust Through Fitness Plateaus and Get Faster Results, Rapidly Recover from Injuries and Stay Injury-free For Life”

My name is Rick Kaselj. I’m a world-renowned exercise and injuries expert and international fitness presenter. I have written industry leading exercise injury manuals, numerous articles that have appeared in fitness association magazines and taught over 256 presentations to 5021 fitness professionals across Canada and the USA. (You can learn more about me and see a photo of me below.)

… But before I tell you all about me and how I can help you get your clients better with faster results, and keep them injury free for life, check out what all of these fitness professionals have to say about Muscle Imbalance Revealed:

The Complete Muscle Imbalances Revealed System

“It’s Truly a Gift that Keeps on Giving”

Many trainers, especially myself, lack in the area of spotting technique and muscle imbalance issues with clients. In fact, I realized from MIR that by not addressing these imbalances, I was just exacerbating them each session! Muscle Imbalances Revealed gave me the foresight to spot things like tight hip flexors, which would help increase the neural drive to one’s lower body, which will help them lift more! That is just the tip of the iceberg of information found on these valuable DVDs. You will immediately become a more informative trainer in your practice after just one view of these DVDs (I view them all the time though! It’s truly a gift that keeps on giving).”
Brian H. Mahoney
The Fitness Club at Eleven Madison Avenue
New York, NY, USA

“The Presentations Were Easy to Watch”

“I work with an older & port rehabilitation clientele so this course was handy for each and every client.

I was very happy with the presentation of the course and it was great to be able to have all the video presentations on my iPhone so I can review the information at a later time.

The presentations were easy to watch and the content was great.

Great job… thanks!”

Cathy Dreyfus
Personal Trainer
Newark, DE

“Big Thank You to You and the Team on PuttingOut Such a Great Product”

“I just want to say a big thank you to you and the team on putting out such a great product. The hip and shoulder are very complex and the information given throughout the presentations is exactly what I was looking for and something that can always be referred to. I have applied the information on myself and my clients with great success. I recently broke my fibula and dislocated my ankle, and the progress I have made with mobility in both my ankle and hip is amazing. Keep producing what you do best.”

Shannan Maciejewski
Personal Trainer

Here are a few more benefits of Muscle Imbalances Revealed:

  • You can watch the video at your own pace and go back to key points at your convenience
  • You can watch the webinar on your own computer, iPad or iPod
  • You don’t have to take time off work and spend money to attend a course or conference
  • You can watch the webinar when it is convenient and best for you
  • You can download the webinar to your iPod or iPad and watch it while waiting for a client
  • You can learn new fitness education information from the convenience of your home
  • You can view the webinar on a PC or Mac
  • You can download an MP3 of the webinar and listen to it in your car, on your iPod or during your workout
  • An affordable way of learning new detailed and researched backed information for yourself, your clinic or fitness team
  • No time is wasted driving or flying to courses or conferences
  • No expensive and overpriced course or conference fees
  • Lifetime access to all of the fitness education webinars
  • Unlimited access to all of the video presentations
  • This is not like most conferences where you get a hodge podge of information. MIR is focused, practical information that will help you with your clients right away

“Highly Recommend You View!”

Muscle Imbalances Revealed was an excellent resource that I’d highly recommend you view. And I think it’s particularly valuable because you can conveniently watch it from the comfort of your own home or office without having to spend hundreds of dollars on travel and accommodations while taking time off from work.”

Eric Cressey
Premier Strength Coach for Baseball Players

“Unique Insight”

“Rick provides, and his unique insight is in my opinion perfect for 1) physicians and personal trainers who are trying to address mysterious aches and pains in their patients and clients and 2) people who are at a fitness plateau because they keep getting injured.”

Ben Greenfield
Triathlon Coach

“So Much More Than The Name Implies”

“Wow, I have to say that Muscle Imbalances Revealed is so much more that the name implies.

It’s so jam packed with info that I’ll use it as my ‘go to’ resource. I run fitness boot camps and my clients always have nagging injuries that I have to work around. I’ll use this resource to provide practical advice and exercises that will prevent injury as well as aid in their recovery of previous injuries.

I feel more confident in providing fitness advice to prevent and rehab injury with this resource in my arsenal.

Thanks Rick for the clear and concise way of presenting all this information.”

Shawna Kaminski
Female Fat Loss Over 40 Expert
Owner/Operator of Calgary NW Adventure Boot Camp