Right Now, I'm Going To Make Everything You Hate About Dieting & Losing Weight A Thing Of The Past

 Read Below To Grab Your

FREE Hardcopy

Of The Revolutionary Rule-Breaking Diet That Lets You Enjoy Huge Dinners, Desserts, And Indulgent Snacks—All While Burning Fat Overnight...

Dear friend,

Picture this...

It's nine o'clock at night.

You're relaxing on the couch watching TV and all of a sudden your stomach starts rumbling.

Sweet and salty snacks are calling your name.

But you're trying to lose some weight so you fight the intense urge to eat.

After all, it's after 7pm, so that means...

NO carbs, NO sweet treats, and NO salty snacks because eating now (or before bed) means all those extra late night calories will just expand your waistline… right?

Ever felt this way when you're on a diet or trying to shed those excess pounds?

Ever wondered if you could break these conventional diet rules and still lose weight?

I'm sure you've at least thought about it because nighttime hunger and late night cravings for our favorite foods like carbs, sweets, and salty snacks are the #1 challenge of every dieter—including me.

If you're like most of the people I've met and worked with over the last 18 years this scenario probably sounds very familiar...

And you've probably wasted tons of time, energy, and money buying special foods, purchasing diet programs, or joining diet clubs...

But with zero long-term results to show for it.

I've heard from people who are shattered because conventional diets have utterly failed to bring them any lasting weight loss.

I'm GIVING AWAY FREE Copies Of The Same Blueprint I Used To Lose 46 Pounds In Record Time By Breaking All The Rules Of Dieting...

>>Full Reviews<<


It's the world's first and only rule-breaking diet that lets you enjoy huge dinners, desserts, and indulgent pre-bedtime snacks—all while burning fat overnight (and it includes 75 FREE mouth-watering, fat-burning recipes)...

Here's the beauty of this new, innovative way of eating...

  • # You won't have to completely give up your favorite foods...
  • # You won't be cutting calories at dinnertime...
  • # You won't be avoiding your favorite desserts, or starving yourself before bed...
  • # You'll see amazing results that will keep you motivated...

Because you won't be dealing with all the pitfalls or the strict, complicated rules of conventional diets.

Three months depriving yourself with no carbs, fruits, sweet treats, or alcohol?

No thanks.

Such practices not only are entirely unnecessary, but make for a miserable, unsustainable experience.

If You Want To Live Longer, Look Younger,
And Burn More Stubborn Fat Then You Need To Head To The Fridge Every Night

Sounds counter-intuitive, I know, but even though nutritional science offers a wealth of advice on how to eat right, it can also confuse you with its contradictory findings.

It's probably been drilled into your head that eating late at night leads to obesity and excess belly fat.

Myths like this one are strangely persistent, even though there's little research to back them up.


My name is Joel Marion, and although it's embarrassing for me to talk about as a seasoned Fitness Professional...

After gaining almost 50 pounds in less than a year, I started to question everything I was taught about dieting for faster fat loss.

My doctor warned me that if I didn't act fast I could die an early death...

For the first time in my life, I didn't even have a choice...

There's no way I could spend another day worrying about whether or not I would wake up and send my little girls off to school...

... or spend quality time with my best friend and love of my life; my wife Lisa.

And that was the turning point.

Too many people were counting on me to be there for a long, vibrant life, and I had to stop letting them down.

It was a sad state of affairs considering I started my career in the fitness industry by winning the world's largest body transformation contest for "regular" people... the 2001 Million-Dollar Body-for-Life™ Transformation Challenge...

I've helped hundreds of thousands of individuals change the way they eat, exercise, look, and feel—worldwide.

Now, more than 5 best-selling books… hundreds of nationally published articles… dozens of TV and radio appearances...

... And 18 years of experience later, my entire identity and belief system was turned upside down when I had to face the cold, hard truth...

Right Now, I'm Going To Make Everything
You Hate About Dieting & Losing Weight
A Thing Of The Past


When You Claim Your FREE Hard Copy TODAY I'll Also Give You Instant Digital Access To The eBook, Along With A Copy Of The Audio-Book (all 3 formats!), AND THREE high value bonuses—ALL FREE, just help with shipping!

Here's what's inside that will END your diet frustrations once-and-for-all, while helping you achieve a firmer, flatter belly in record time...
